Monday, July 28, 2008

In love

Yes my friends. The hopeless romantic guy is "again" in love with a wonderful woman. At first, I thought it was just infatuation. But, after awhile I realize I was really in love again. :D Cause some of the symptoms of being in love is starting to surface.

I know its kinda Korny, but its' true. What can I say? She's one of a kind. A one in a million.


Jean said...

aws..inlove na sad denz??

Denxioz said...

murag dra jud. jejeje..

czy-czy said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:))..gugma na sab??aw..hinay2 ra tol huh..murag dira na pud na bah...hehehe:D..Good luck and God bless....unta xa na jud..waaaaaaaa:D

=charm= said...

hinay2x lang . hehehe